Mat Hoffmans Pro Bmx Pc Download

Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX PC - Game Torrent. Free Download Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX PC Games Torrent. Publicat de Unknown la 01:49. Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX is a BMX video game endorsed by Mat Hoffman and published by Activision. The first game to launch under Activision's short-lived Activision O2. In the rarefied world of BMX racing, Dave 'Miracle Boy' Mirra is a living legend in the extreme sports community. Tags: Free Download Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX Full PC Game Review. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3. Tony Hawk’s Underground 2. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2. Championship Manager 99/00. Maximum Sports Extreme. Matt Hoffman’s Pro BMX 2 takes you for a ride through free-roaming cities, where you can perform a variety of stunts on your bike. Choose from an array of professional riders–including Matt Hoffman, Ruben Alcantara, Cory Nastazio, Mike Escamilla, Nathan Wessel, and Joe Kowalski–and begin a skating career. Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 is the second game in the Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX series. Use the links above: ). Direct Download Links: Download Mat Hoffman's. Also, players are able to create their own BMX parks to test their riding skills on tons of parks with the Course Editor.

People say:

You'd think a game that plays kinda like Tony Hawk 3 and is coming out well after it would at least play and look better, but Mat Hoffman 2 just doesn't bring much new to a genre that's getting stale. You're forced to achieve too many similar objectives-- same-ol' stuff like collecting crap, performing certain tricks, bashing obstacles--over and over throughout the eight environments. And some objectives aren't very clear (have fun trying to Smith Grind a two-story rail in L.A. and figuring out what to do to the parking meters in Chicago). Adding to the ho-humness, your biker's stats don't ramp up (although you can find nimbler bikes) so you never get much sense of accomplishment aside from unlocking new stages. Level design, on the other hand, is great, with lots of lines and new areas that open. But the best thing here is the quick-to-pick-up gameplay. Mat Hoffman 2 is an easier game to get into than Tony Hawk; you don't need to fiddle with extra tricks like reverts to keep combos going, and flatland stunts are especially fun and simple. This sequel borrows from Dave Mirra's game and adds a trick modifier, for players who want to get fancier. You'll find the usual assortment of multiplayer modes, plus a couple of new and nifty mini-games (my favorite: Halfpipe Hell, which dumps in platform gameplay). The entire package is fun, sure. It just puts you through too may of the same old motions.

It's like deja vu all over again. There's no denying that Mat 2 feels a whole lot like Tony Hawk 3, but is that such a bad thing? BMX 2 features some really cool levels, a neat 'road trip' setup and a great flatland-trick system that's better than Tony 3's setup--you don't need to build up your special meter in Mat to see the fancy stuff. But like I said, when you get into the game you're gonna experience a major case of 'been there, done that' if you're an experienced Tony Hawk player. You might also get annoyed at how the game forces you to complete specific goals before you can unlock new levels (I know I did). Other than that, Mat 2 is a killer game.

Standards in the action-sports genre have ollied to new heights after Aggressive Inline. Now Mat Hoffman 2's stale two-minute-deadline gameplay no longer cuts it--what used to provide an adrenaline rush now simply annoys and infuriates. Why am I hurrying around trying to fit in a few objectives under a too-short time limit? Bah. Despite this, the game still delivers. Mat Hoffman 2 is designed to please combo-happy players: easy-to-perform wall rides and wall push-offs help keep your trick strings going, and the ommission of an extra 'revert'-type button press (like in Tony Hawk 3) lets you link moves with the utmost of ease.

Matt Hoffman Pro Bmx Pc Download

Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX
Release dates
WindowsSeptember 30, 2001
  • 2Essential improvements
  • 3Game data
  • 4Video settings
  • 6Audio settings
  • 7Network
  • 8Issues fixed
  • 9Other information

Key points Divx player for mac 10.6.

Install outside Program Files on Windows Vista and later to fix crashing at launch.
Very limited in-game video settings.
Frame rate is capped at 30 FPS.


This game is not available digitally.

Essential improvements[edit]

Skip intro videos[edit]

Remove intros from media.pkr[citation needed]
  1. Download and run Mat Hoffman Pro BMX PKR3 Editor.
  2. Click Open PKR3 and browse to the installation folder.
  3. Choose media.pkr and wait for it to open.
  4. Delete the four movies shown (Act02.bik, ActLogo.bik, GmeIntro.bik and GrayLogo.bik).
  5. Choose Save PKR3 and save as media.pkr (this will replace the original file).
  6. Wait for the process to complete and then close the program.

Game data[edit]

Configuration file(s) location[edit]

Windows <path-to-game>bmx.ini[Note 1]

Save game data location[edit]

Mat Hoffman's Pro Bmx Pc Download

Video settings[edit]

Video settings.
Graphics featureStateWSGFNotes
Widescreen resolution Significant limitations; see Widescreen resolution.
4K Ultra HD
Field of view (FOV)FOV can't be changed; widescreen aspect ratios cause a smaller FOV.
WindowedSee the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Borderless fullscreen windowedSee the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Anisotropic filtering (AF)See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Anti-aliasing (AA)See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Vertical sync (Vsync)See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
60 FPS and 120+ FPSFrame rate is capped at 30 FPS.

Widescreen resolution[edit]

Camera following distance is affected by the aspect ratio; widescreen aspect ratios lose horizontal FOV in addition to height lost due to being Vert-.
Videos and pre-game menus always run at 640x480 no matter what resolution you use.
Set resolution in bmx.ini[citation needed]
  1. Go to the installation folder and open bmx.ini.
  2. Change the ScreenWidth= and ScreenHeight= values to the resolution you want.
  3. Save your changes.
If the game crashes when loading an area after this change you have set a resolution your monitor can't display.

Input settings[edit]

Keyboard and mouseStateNotes
Mouse acceleration
Mouse sensitivity
Mouse input in menus
Mouse Y-axis inversion
Controller support
Full controller support
Controller remappingCan't use axes as buttons (e.g. Xbox 360 Controller triggers).
Controller sensitivity
Controller Y-axis inversion
Additional information
Controller hotplugging
Haptic feedback
Simultaneous controller+KB/M

Audio settings[edit]

Audio settings.
Audio featureStateNotes
Separate volume controlsSFX and Music.
Surround sound
Closed captions
Mute on focus lost




Multiplayer types

Local play2 Hot seat
LAN play2
Online play

Connection types

Direct IP

Issues fixed[edit]

Crash at launch (no error message)[edit]

Install the game outside Program Files (running as an administrator does not fix this). The game will then run properly without any compatibility modes or other tweaks.

Mat hoffman

Crash when loading gameplay (no error message)[edit]

You have set a resolution your monitor does not support. Select a new resolution in-game or edit bmx.ini (see Widescreen resolution).

Other information[edit]

Mat Hoffman Pro Bmx 2 Pc Download


System requirements[edit]

Operating system (OS)95, 98, ME, 2000
Processor (CPU)Intel Pentium II 266 or AMD Athlon
System memory (RAM)64 MB
Hard disk drive (HDD)550 MB
Video card (GPU) 8 MB of VRAM
DirectX 8.0a compatible


Matt hoffman pro bmx pc download

Mat Hoffmans Pro Bmx Pc Download Windows 10

  1. 1.01.1When running this game without elevated privileges (Run as administrator option), write operations against a location below %PROGRAMFILES%, %PROGRAMDATA%, or %WINDIR% might be redirected to %LOCALAPPDATA%VirtualStore on Windows Vista and later (more details).

Mat Hoffman Pro Bmx 2 Pc Download Full
