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Learn how use GATE Virtual Calculator 2022 Online. Practice solving equations online and get free PC app download link for GATE Virtual Calculator.

GATE 2022 is going to be conducted by IIT Kharagpur. So it's going to come with a lot of difficulties. One of them is using a GATE virtual calculator. So what is it about the GATE virtual calculator that makes candidates want to learn it properly? Well, for one, scientific calculators are not allowed in the GATE exam. And for two, GATE virtual calculators monitor the candidate during their exam to assess how long they use the calculator, something physical scientific calculators cannot do. But what you must understand is that the GATE virtual calculator is just a virtual version of a GATE scientific calculator, so there is no functional difference between them. So, if you already know how to use a scientific calculator, then using a GATE virtual calculator will not be an issue for you.

Buku persamaan ic dan transistor amplifier. Old photo restoration software free download. This article will guide you into using the GATE virtual calculator, its features, whether there is a GATE calculator app for you to practice, whether you can get it offline for PC, and so on. So keep reading and find out!


GATE Virtual Calculator Download for PC

We want to rest some queries related to obtaining a virtual calculator for your device to practice with your GATE preparations. Firstly, there is no dedicated calculator online just for the GATE exam. There is also no official GATE calculator app. However, Android users may find scientific calculator apps from unofficial, third-party sources. One such source is found here, and it is a highly rated app in the Play Store. In addition, some phones come with an in-built calculator that can be switched to a scientific calculator.

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However, for desktop and laptop users, the TCS iON website does provide a scientific calculator in virtual mode. So, you can use this online calculator for your GATE practice.

If you’re worried that you have to use your internet connection to use it, downloading it as an offline virtual calculator is possible. Currently, you can download the scientific calculator for PC and Mac (desktop and laptop) only. Follow the steps below:

  • Go to the TCS iON weblink.
  • Make sure you are connected to the internet before doing this, otherwise the page won’t load.
  • When you see the calculator on-screen, press Ctrl+S.
  • You will be prompted to save an HTML file, rename it, and press “Save”.
  • Go to the folder where you saved the file.
  • Turn your Wi-Fi off and open the HTML file.
  • The file will open on your default web browser and should work as intended.

How to Use GATE Virtual Calculator?

We’ve provided some insights on how to use the GATE virtual calculator in a manner that will help you streamline your exam process. The following should give you an idea of what you can and should do with a virtual scientific calculator:

  • Understand how memory management works:
    • “MS” stores a value in memory
    • “M+” adds to the value stored in memory
    • “M-” subtracts a certain amount of value from the stored value
    • “MR” recalls the memory, i.e. pressing it will cause the stored value to appear on the screen
    • “MC” will clear the memory of any values and keep it empty
    • Pressing MS while another value is already stored will replace the previously stored value with the newly stored value
  • The virtual calculator’s angle unit is set to Degree by default, but double-check whether it is in Degree or Radial before you begin any calculations
  • Press C right before you begin any calculations to clear up any calculations previously performed on it, even if it wasn’t by you
  • Get into the habit of using Pi (π), log, Exp, and whatnot to save yourself a lot of time during calculations
  • Always include parentheses if the equation involves them

The following points are what you must make sure you do not do during the exam:

  • Do not change the angle unit whilst calculating equations
  • Do not perform multiple calculations simultaneously
  • Do not leave the parentheses and the calculations within it unbalanced

Limitations of GATE Virtual Calculator

The virtual calculator does provide many candidates the leeway to calculate some of the most challenging calculations that they cannot do on time without a calculator. However, it does come with its fair share of disadvantages. Here are some points about it that will put any candidate in an uncomfortable position:

  • You cannot use the keyboard to type in your calculations
  • Candidates who are inept with mouse controls will have a difficult time using the calculator
  • Calculations involving logarithmic or hyperbolic functions will provide a precise output of no more or less than 5 digits
  • Modulus operations that provide 15-digit outputs may be imprecise
  • The calculator registers inputs and outputs between 10-323 to 10308

Frequently Asked Questions on GATE Virtual Calculator

Gate For Pc
  • Is a scientific calculator allowed in GATE?
    As mentioned at the start, scientific calculators are not allowed in GATE exams.

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  • How can I get the GATE offline virtual calculator download for PC?
    The TCS iON calculator link provided above can help. For offline use, you can save the HTML page on your computer and use it.
  • Is there a GATE calculator app?
    Not officially. We have provided a link to an unofficial app that has received positive feedback from its users above.
  • Can I use a keyboard to use the virtual calculator?
    No, you cannot use the keyboard to type calculations into the virtual calculator. You will be required to use the mouse instead.

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  • Can the GATE calculator solve quadratic, cubic, and simultaneous equations?
    Unfortunately, no. This is not pre-programmed into the virtual calculator. Manual calculations are required.

Gate Calculator For Pc

  • Can matrix operations such as inverse and transpose be calculated using the virtual calculator?
    No. Much like the issue before, this is not pre-programmed into the virtual calculator. You will have to manually do this.

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If you feel we’re missing out on more information related to the virtual calculators, then feel free to post your thoughts in the comments. We’ll be sure to get back to your queries as soon as we can. A pair of tickets pdf.